Thanks for listening and I have to say I agree with you, 95% of hobbits should stay in the shire.

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Agreed then. 100%

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

I am a shire-dwelling hobbit and I approve of this message.

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Jun 22Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

Great take.

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Jun 22Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

I broadly agree. But I also don't think it is useful to attack people directly who could be allies, especially while tempers are high. I think this would be a more effective criticism if done after things calm down a bit.

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I would agree if it appeared that they would come around. I don't think they will, but you'll notice that I didn't link the other individuals in hopes that, by the time it reaches them, it has cooled. The post is primarily for the people linked, those sympathetic, and those that happen across it. This stack has a much smaller audience than my main, and I don't intend to personally restack it.

No problems if others do.

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Jun 22Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

The Lord can use unlikely men. I don't think it's humanly possible for the secular and religious "right" to have a shared vision. But with God all things are possible. And I don't want to be a scandal in that process.

I wish they had as much guile as the left. But I suppose if they had a lot of guile they wouldn't be here would they?

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You have to remember, our sense of victory isn't material, it is attaining heaven and glory of God. In the eyes of the world its a fighting retreat, in the eyes of the angels it's storming the gates of hell. It's hard to not lose sight of, but remind yourself of it, and take hope.

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