Sep 26Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

Nice title picture. Those people should be running to throw our “leaders” and corpo CEO’s back in the fires of Mt Doom.

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One CEO to rule them all!

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The moment a people become little more than a number, rather than well a tribe or a nation to be recognized as having inherent value, and being treated with warmth and affection there is a problem.

It's why I've begun to think a monarchy is preferable, as back then the Kings had to suffer with the rest of us half the time, and had to think before making decisions, as to declare war meant they had to be out in the field also or their sons would be (up until the reign of the likes of King Louis XIV who was a terrible coward).

I must confess to being hopeful to see in my lifetime a resurgence of old things; old mercantile and artisan guilds, the commencement of new Cathedrals, castles (even if only for local tourist reasons) and for people to remember the old ways and old codes, in place of the liberal nonsense that is rotting away our nations.

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Agreed. And a Palace might not be so absurd as you state. A sign of strength, power, and majesty to capture public attention/awe, that of other nations, and conduct domestic affairs would truly be magnificent.

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Reducing everything, including man’s well-being, solely to economic factors is sinister. “Line goes up” is not a valid metric of social health.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25Author


Nor is it acceptable to dodge hard questions and offer only easy answers. The more I learn of history, the more I learn that this has been the case for time immemorial. The system will break, hard. You can see the poor being shaped as a tool, again, by revolutionaries.

It's interesting that this time it's the right liberals, left liberals, and traditional reactionaries, rather than just one side or the other. It's a complicated battle ground. Historically it's only been revolutionaries or reactionaries. This time many sides both have moral issues as well as economic ones bringing them to the fight.

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For the first time in a LONG time, people are realizing that there is a spiritual dimension to all of this. That is a good thing.

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Very much so.

I think that the spiritual progression, and growth, will overturn a lot of the current trends. It will take many by surprise, and change the world for the better after the tumult required by that change.

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