I'm probably in the minority but I don't care.

Price of strawberries goes up? Don't care

New construction stops? Don't care

Long term it will be much much better for Americans if all the foreigners are removed.

Jobs that were once handled by teens are now run by foreigners. Fast food is a great example.

Summer part-time work? Once handled by teens now it's foreigners.

Office cleaning crews? This was once the domain of college kids. Now it's foreigners.

Americans find it difficult to get into the trades, particularly construction because of the low wages and language barrier that foreigners use.

They all have to go back

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I think you're missing the point of the post. Which is that if the whole thing is mishandled and bungled, it isn't even that the prices go up - it's that there won't be any more jobs, because companies will go bankrupt from consumers being unable to pay, the prices of debts/bonds skyrocketing so they can't afford to roll those over, and construction projects and the like aren't even there.

So, while I agree with much of what you say - I am simply pointing out that there needs to be a plan if we, as a society, actually want to survive. Otherwise there will be food shortages, inflation, empty shelves, etc.

After this post, myself and Ahnaf run the numbers on production for machinist, for instance. There are roughly 1 million illegals in production work - ie machine shop like jobs - in America. Like you say, those are good jobs that should get people angry, because they can provide a living for families. BUT! If you forcibly remove people in mass, how are you going to defend 1 million work places from vandalism on their way out? From them ruining almost non-replacable machines built in the 50's-70's if they're in ma/pa shops? Or, the big shops, which have ridiculously small tolerances in those machines, and a lot of electronics from overseas?

So, it's a big problem. You have to make people want to leave, to not cause a giant mess of things.

I totally get the problem. I work for myself in the trades, and used to be employed for others before I could legally work for myself. So I get what you're saying, and have seen the damage. Changes need to be made. Smartly.

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"Don't Care"

> Food Prices Spike

> Labour Shortages

> Social Strife.

It's all fun and games until War, Famine, Pestilence & Death make themselves felt.

You can be Apathetic to it all... until The Outcome is foisted on you by Economic & Natural forces, & then you may cry yourself a River... at which point all of us DOOM-ers will simply go, 'See? I told ya so!' 😉

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So the status quo must continue in perpetuity. That's your answer? Wait no, we must reward all illegals, temporary legal status holders and advanced parolees with citizenship and that will fix the problem. Poof? No more illegal immigration. Except that didn't work in 1986 and it won't work now. Legalized illegals will be be followed by more mass illegals.

Closing down all those landscaping companies and restaurants that can only be profitable with illegal labor is not war, famine and pestilence.

We've become so addicted to cheap, exploitable labor that we cannot imagine a different world. Like all those slaveholders who couldn't imagine the death of slavery and old Dixie. It was a painful transition but you cannot avoid the inevitable.

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The Slave Labour will keep pouring in… until the welfare states of Europe and North America go bankrupt. After that, you’ll see large emigration waves of everyone (white, black, brown, etc)

That’s not “my answer,” that’s where things are presently headed given current trends.

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Slave labour pours in because we allow it. If we took tough action, it would be different. We don't have the stomach for it now but things may change as the demos continue to see masses pour in and damaging their way of life.

I just don't buy that the only way out is to throw up our hands and wait to die. Their governments will be overthrow first. Let's see how many more non-white immigrants can keep killing native children before the masses rise up.

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No military ability exists to do this. The Americans can at most deploy 50,000 max (given their table of equipment and recruiting shortfalls) inside CONUS… and most of those men will desert the moment they are told “yea this thing you’ll be doing… many of the Hispanic bros will view it as ethnic cleansing”

The Europeans are in a worse state since they don’t even have armies… but rather some small police forces.

As for your last point… autocracies getting overthrown just means the next guy who comes in is even more brutal. That doesn’t stop the migrants coming in… it simply speeds things up.

The masses will never rise up. Human nature is conformist and for the most part, very few popular movements kick off because of so called “popular will”

Rather, people spontaneously combust when things get horrific. But at that point, it’s a roll of the dice. Some places (like Yugoslavia) fall apart and never recover. Others (like France) get a napoleon and do well for a few decades… and then are defeated. Anyhow, the point being: it’s not as simple as “mobs of people rising up to enact vengeance”… that stuff is very random and hard to pin down re: end results.

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Action doesn't require solely military force. It requires new laws and enforcement of existing laws. No more asylum requests for those traveling through 3rd countries. No asylum requests for those in the US illegally. Mandate e-verify for every single business and every single individual hiring someone. Levy fines on employers and individuals who employ illegal labor. No welfare for illegals (taxpayer funded health insurance, unemployment benefits) and no legal resident benefits either (e.g., driver's licenses). Require evidence of legal residency for the enrollment of children in public schools. Confer citizenship on children born in the US to those have have 1 legal permanent resident or citizen parent. No more HB-1 visa holder anchor babies. Institute guest-worker programs for key areas like agriculture that are rigorous and comprehensive (guest workers must leave, no family members can be brought with them, employer covers healthcare so they don't use taxpayer funded hospitals and community healthcare centers, retain 35% of their income returned to them after they leave). Require states and localities to work with ICE and detain those here illegally. Track visa entries so we actually know who is not leaving the US. Eliminate DACA (it's an incentive for people to immigrate here illegally).

There are lots of things we can do to significantly reduce illegal migration and illegal labor.

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Illegal labor has allowed middle class people to feel richer because they can now outsource pesky, mundane tasks like raking leaves, shoveling snow and cleaning their bathrooms to illegals. They've also become accustomed to cheap roof replacement and frequent renovations. It's also allowed people to build businesses and pad profit margins that would be completely unattainable without illegal labor. It's a house of cards.

It's also a dishonest system that perpetuates a mirage. I'm with you - I want all illegals deported and if they refuse to go, they can stay here without a job, no welfare and no education or benefits for their illegal kids. All those anchor baby families can leave too. I don't want to press #2 for Spanish and am tired of job postings requiring fluency in Spanish or any other language.

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Those in the city of Omelas seem to not have the stomach to see the child

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