Jun 19Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

"Wait till we’re the majority of the populace, and they’re the minority, and deal with it then"

A line that can profitably be applied to many, many issues. Although...

Historically, genocide has been a tool used to change the exponential trajectory of population races. An international subset of that growing population, out of Clown World's reach but connected in various ways to their families and religious compatriots, is a recurring pattern for a reason.

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That's fair, and worth bringing up. It is, in fact, what led to strife within the very example I used between the Egyptians and Jewish population. I think a lot of it depends on if the growing minority is, in fact, seen as a minority. Here in the US, as of now, we don't have enough of a sense of us/them to see that view point. We view the 'other' by ideology, if at all.

I don't know. I'll have to ponder it and how it could play out. Thanks for the comment!

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There are far too many fecund minorities for this to be a major concern in the United States (as it would produce a genuine trans-religious coalition + human rights types), especially when considering how weak the American government is (and how it continues to get weaker).

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I'm unsure about that.

Falling Empires do dumb ass stuff, historically speaking, to retain power. Also, the rise of those minorities in the exponential part of what we're talking about might hasten the conflicts and the fall of the Empire.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

To clarify my point - it's very hard to drum up support for hatred for multiple things/peoples. Hitler talks about this in Mein Kampf, it's why he pointed to all problems to be Jewish. If an ethnic German expressed undesirable traits he would be considered spiritually Jewish. Essentially, FedGov would have to concoct hatred for the Amish, TradCaths, conservative Mormons, Hasidic Jews, conservative Mormons, Muslims and various quiverfull Protestants. Groups too diverse and individually adding to having too much of the support of much of America to be collectively hated. FedGov is also incompetent and not as powerful as people think. Sanctuary Cities, Indian reservations, vastly varying drug, gun and abortion laws and such are all good examples of the weakness of the American Federal Government. The former aren't token issues, neither will be the sterilization of undesirable religious groups.

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It's easy to isolate/marginalize them too. I wouldn't count them out yet is all.

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One of the left’s favorite pastimes is creating “ism” strawmen out of normal, healthy human behaviors.

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Jun 25Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

No one has more successfully monetised being wrong than Peter Zeihan. Outside of politics, that is.

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Yes. It's frustrating. More than the glad handing, the lies and deception he pedals to those that want happy stories and refuse to deal with problems as they need to is a real issue. That, more than anything, is why I despise the man.

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Jun 25Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

"Geopolitical expert Peter Zeihan".

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This was a great white-pill, it seems you aren't half so uncouth as you think you are ;) but anyways good sir what do you say to those who take a more despairing line of thought? I've a close friend, who has taken the most black-pilled (and red-pilled) approach, he's Christian but thinks it's all over for England, and is of the view women are vipers and such. I tried counselling him against such notions that as Christians (I'm Catholique) ours should be the hopeful outlook, we should look for redemption in others and not paint with too wide a brush. He's gone through a recent divorce, that's left him hurt and broken, but am curious how you being wiser in such things might react to him and his claim of 'statistics' and such?

I've a brother who worked in statistics at one point and can tell you many of them are false (he showed them to me), and that one shouldn't trust them too deeply in my experience. History has proven that the odds are always beaten, and mean nothing.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Here. I composed this one years ago. Maybe it will help this young man.


Clawing my way up Calvary

Broken nails and thorns in hand

Hearing hymns break forth around me

I hear men who understand

Together we will weep

Together we will fight

Individual pains run deep

Our shared burdens light

Atop the mount we hope to find

A savior meek and mild

A man with voice deep and kind

He calls all His precious child

Our brother, down he falls

We have found our cross

Together our salvation calls

We are not but dross

Dust to dust we go

We fight we rage we sing

We are brothers because we know

Of deaths deathless sting

Women come and women pass

Nurture what they will

A hard truth ignored in mass

What they don’t nurture they will kill

Give me a man, a brother strong

Over a woman day or night

The brother will sing a song

While the woman puts to flight

Reverently we break the bread

We drink deeply of the wine

Brothers stand until the end

And then sleep for all of time

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The spacing between the parts of the poem don't keep true in comments, dangit. Ohwell.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Uncouth Barbarian

Still it is beautiful, I'll copy it and send it to him. I'll let you know what he thinks, I hope it does move him. I consider him family so despaired at the level of pain he was in when we spoke the other day for the first time in awhile. And your essay made me think to approach you.

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Of course man.


He’s not blogging anymore, but Ace helped me a lot through things in my darker days with women. His old blog might help him, and he published a book for the suicidal that’s available on amazon. He’s a good guy, Catholic, etc. His stuff is not the most devout, or traditional, but it’s honest and helps.

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That’s fine, I don’t think my friend is anywhere near suicidal, he’s just in a bleak place and has begun to fall under the idea that folks like Tate are right.

I’m not blind to how modernity hates men, but I’m not sure Tate and guys like him are exactly worth following or believing in. They’re wolves, and determined to get to the hens so to speak without bothering hiding themselves all that well in sheeps’ clothing.

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Beautiful, I will share it with him now.

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Two things:

One, realize that whatever they're using to black pill is merely an instrument. It may or may not solve the issue, but it's also a key lever into their psyche. He's feeling overcome, with good reason. If you don't understand the black pill, you'll never get it out of him. So, you need to understand it, the valid arguments he has, and meet them head on. Be there as a brother.

The way to get to the people, is usually through what they're black pilled on. So get to know the statistics he's latching on to, backwards and forwards, better than he does.

So, understanding what they're measuring and how is key. Divorce stats are thrown by young divorces - particularly those of military service. Take out the military service and young divorces are rare.

Same for which women divorce and which don't. Know what they are - religious women don't divorce, particularly those with social pressures. Same with those that don't have sex before marriage.

Go from there.

You know the drill.

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Wise words, I’ll do that, and I do consider him my brother. He’s a friend I appreciate and love as well as my brother. When one of them all but disowned me he was there, when I was black-pilled he was there, so I feel obligated to help him.

He’s a high-performing tech-guy working at an up and coming British tech-firm. He’s really smart, but his wife was of mixed Pakistani heritage, and liked erm ‘bad boys’ so that he’s now convinced all women who have been with them, or abused by them always go back to them, even rape victims. I know he wouldn’t normally make such remarks, but he’s really having it tough.

What is strange is he’s very popular with the ladies, because he’s well-read, kind, smart and believes firmly in fidelity. It’s just his divorce has jaded him (he really liked this girl of his).

But will get to know his stats, and will look into them more deeply. Thanks for your kind words and your white-pill there. I also appreciate you not judging him, I’m just not sure how to help him as I tend to look at some stats myself on occasion, but have begun to feel better as the 2024 ones roll out. Whereas he’s feeling his despair very keenly. The only thing that cheered him up was me telling him that in the end Christ wins, and so we win.

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Ouch, the immigrants are freaking nuts.

They’re the worst man. They view society and culture completely different than we do, and are cut throat about it. They’ll use and abuse people just to get what they want and need. Seriously. Let him know that. I know multiple people that have scars that never heal because immigrants of all stripes simply are inhuman trash that freaking use them to get where they want in life.

And I get it. The US is an Empire that has ruined the world - so they view it as ‘getting theirs, and getting back’ - it’s just revenge to them. The situation he’s in really doesn’t reflect in the stats. That is now what you need to tell him. This is a completely different ball game now. You can play the stats game, if he still gets hung up on it, but he got caught up in war and a freaking power play. It’s gnarly and it’s ugly. These people have no conscious and will do it for a green card, money, a house, or just to screw over someone in the US.

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Yeah, her family is well to do, but apparently she hated how much he loved his work, how much he loves France & French culture. He’s fluent, and dreams of moving there, it’s how we met and bonded well that and over Lord of the Rings.

But yeah, I think it might be best to keep to stats as it seems to be a security blanket to him, and it’s best not to just tear it from him but to slowly shift it, and then take it away. He’s really stubborn.

That said yeah it seems to have been a power-play of some sort.

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Exponential equations work in positive and negative directions. A population above replacement fertility will experience exponential growth, a population below replacement fertility will experience exponential decrease (once the sterile cohorts die off). It's a beautiful thing.

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